
Kviečiame Jus paskanauti tikrų armėniškų patiekalų kavinėje “Jerevan”. Čia taip pat galima užsisakyti  bei organizuoti įvairias vyno degustacijas, banketus, furšetus ir šventinius vakarus. Galime aptarnauti kolektyvus iki 40 asmenų salėje, o lauko terasoje iki 100 asmenų.

Often, the bad results and the impression of being „dumped” accentuate the difficulty to get to work: studies raise so many negative emotions, that one flees in the free time to find a little consolation. On the contrary, it is necessary to put positive in the work thanks to the regularity that brings success. Understood? Organize to spend leisure time studying without suffering and without helping write my essay free. You can have a good schedule, but never hold it because of numerous requests that keep you away from the „right way”. Are you coming for a beer? You are going out tonight? Can you come and help me move? Hello, Caro, are you free? etc., etc. Sometimes it just takes a little bit to make you skid and lose your pace. Just as it takes a certain height of vision to make a good planning, you should also keep in mind your priorities for the year: think about leisure and relaxation activities that are important to you, and choose those that are important reconcilable with your situation and your time … then decide to say no to everything that does not fit in your niche „relaxation” and may unbalance you. If you do not know how to say no, you may scatter, get tired and find yourself in trouble in your schoolwork, or feel creeping stress. While if you hold the bar of your priorities, you will chart your course and keep morale and shape more easily.

Siūlome paragauti tikrų armėniškų patiekalų, atspindinčių Armėniškąją kulinarijos dvasią. Jums tikrai paliks įspūdį armėniški balandėliai “DOLMA”, “LIŪLIA” kebabas, šašlikai “CHOROVAC” ir originalūs armėniški koldūnai “CHINKALI”. Patiekalai praturtinti šviežiomis daržovėmis ir pagardinti natūraliais armėniškais prieskoniais.Siūlome degustuoti įvairius armėniškus gėrimus tiek stipriuosisu, tiek nealkoholinius, tokių kaip kompotai, nektarai, limonadai, mineraliniai vandenys.

NAUJIENA – gaminame armėniška plovą KAZANE bei kepame įvairios mėsos šašlykus TONDIRE.